The Doll

The Doll
Taurus, Pin Up model, lover not a fighter, straight up classy with a bit of sassy, my bite is bigger than my bark...
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Photographers: Pin-Up sessions require knowledge of said genre

I've seen it time and time again, photographers booking clients for "Pin Up mini sessions" and yet they fail to bring on the Pin-Up. What we get is trashy.

I won't post examples because that is just rude and I don't want to get into trouble for slandering anyone's business.

As a Pin-Up model, I make sure that my photographer knows what he or she is looking for and that they understand what a modern Pin-Up is all about.

Here are the dont's of Pin-Up:

  • stiletto shoes or "hooker heels"...not in the least bit sassy or classy...just trashy
  • doing highly inappropriate and disgusting sexual acts. That is more fetish and a whole different genre.
  • smudged up "morning after" makeup. Come on now, why make them look like ladies of the night?
  • NOT knowing the genre at all. As a photographer, if you start a session, you should at least know what you are doing. Don't do it just to make money. You will look like a joke.
Here are the do's of Pin-Up:

make it cheesy but sassy

make it look sexy without being sleazy

Make it fun! (photo of me)

Make it look like it belongs in the genre (photo of me)

Make it look like a Pin-Up
Learn the clothes, hairstyles, and terminology of a modern Pin-Up. Tattoos, two-tone hair colors, red lips, bangs, curls, victory rolls, mary jane pumps, stockings, cheesy smiles, and side shots are just some things to take into consideration.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Christmas Wishlist: Avon Edition

*In no way am I affiliated with AVON. I used to be a rep, but slow business is no business. AVON has not and probably will not reimburse me for my reviews of their products.*

I love AVON products. Always have, always will. My mother has used them since I can remember and she's pretty much passed down that little gene to me. It's a trait I plan on passing down to my daughter. ;)

It may be a bit early for Christmas, but Christmas shopping is something I feel should be done like yesterday. Right now, some great deals are coming out. Here's a few items I would love and need for my profession. Yeah, for my profession...that will get the hubby to fold...hopefully.

The Expert Mega Palette $29.99
- 36 eyeshadows,
- 36 lip glosses,
- 6 blushes,
- mirror
- blush brush
- double-ended eye applicator
- double-ended lip applicator 

*What a great starter kit and at 30 bucks, you can go ahead and buy one for a friend. 

Pretty Polished Mini Nail Set $7.99
Colors include: Midnight Plum, Glitter Silver, Real Red and Glitter Gold*Perfect for the upcoming holiday season. Tons of Holiday parties to get pretty for.

 Be Blushed Cheek Color $8.00
*This is great! You don't have to wait for it to be cold outside to have that rosy flush. Let this little guy do the work.
On my list are Golden Rose and Blushing Nude

Satin Satisfaction Lip Color SPF 15 $8.00
*Beautiful Brick is on my wishlist. Who doesn't want smooth, rich looking lips? I've never been disappointed by AVON's lip wear, and I can tell this baby is going to be my new best friend.

This isn't my entire wishlist, but these items are truly in the top 10 of wants. Hopefully I'll be able to score a few of these items and write a review for you guys. But for now, check out your local AVON rep's website and start indulging in their amazing products!


Welcome to my beauty blog.
I'm Navy Doll.
  • 24 year old beauty school student
  • mother to two beautiful babies
  • wife of a U.S. Navy Sailor
  • U.S. Navy Veteran
  • Daughter to a Police Officer and doctor's assistant
  • crafty 
  • classy
  • old school soul when it comes to music
  • lover of black and white films
  • stuck in a romantic mood 24/7
  • I enjoy long walks on the beach...
  • sitting back, watching a football game with beer and pizza is my perfect night
  • Halloween is my favorite holiday
  • Old Hollywood has forever stolen my heart
  • Oh yeah, I like to make people look pretty
Keep tuning into my blog where I will post my favorite beauty products, fun tutorials I find on the web, how to videos, and my daily adventures in beauty school.


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